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Day 233: Dear Naps

My brother has a shirt that reads: Dear Naps, I'm sorry I hated you as a kid.

True statement! I guess I don't know whether or not I hated naps as a kid, but I do know that since high school I've been quite fond of them. I didn't need a reminder of our love relationship today, after being up 3 hours in the night with a toddler who couldn't sleep. The poor kid has been in a different bed every few nights this month so he's a little out of it. 

Mercifully, my husband offered to let me nap with the toddler, even though he was also exhausted from last night's shenanigans. Both of us fell asleep immediately. He awoke after an hour or so and went back to sleep in my bed. I don't sleep well with kids, I guess, and I struggled, unable to fall asleep after that first glorious hour.

So it wasn't the epic nap I'd hoped for but it certainly took the edge off and I'm grateful for it. Naps. They feel so good.


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