Weekends at lake go by so fast. I reflected on the last night, and many moments of gratitude flashed through my mind. Two of them weren't really moments, but experiences in continuation of old friendships.
I've mentioned Callie before, my faraway Wisconsin friend. Her brother was a close friend and classmate of mine. Her mom retired and they hosted a party Friday where I delighted to see the whole family. Theirs was a second home to me in high school and after, and being back for a few hours felt so great!
On Monday, I stopped over at the cabin of another dear friend I rarely see. Molli and I were inseparable in high school and stayed close through college. She's got a busy family and career in Minnesota now and we really only get to see each other if our trips to the lake coincide. We had a fantastic, but short, visit at her parents' house.
It serves me well to be reminded that although we move and may no longer be part of each other's day-to-day life, old friendships can be sustained through long absences. As people grow and change and become busy with their lives, it's easy to let old friendships wither and fade. I'm glad that, although it takes more effort than it used to, these dear friends of mine and I are able to continue our relationships decade after decade. What a comfort that is to me!
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