Today's gratitude item is totally a first world luxury: my video monitor.
Six years ago when I was pregnant with my oldest and working on the inevitable Target baby registry, I heard strong opinions from both sides of the monitor opinion aisle. "We love our monitor! You have to get one!" And "Is your house so big that you can't hear your baby cry?"
In the end (or beginning, I guess!) we ended up receiving a Summer Infant Video monitor as a shower gift and I've been so grateful for it many times over the years, and grateful for replacement rechargeable batteries when I thought our beloved monitor was dead and gone!
Yes, I can hear my babies cry from almost everywhere in our house, but the monitor is useful for other things, too. Instead of rushing in when I heard the one-year-old this morning I watched him mess around in his bed, chatting with his stuffed animals and being generally adorable before starting his daily reign of terror.
I've been able to see if a fussy baby really needs me, or if he just needs a few minutes to chill himself out. I've seen legs stuck in cribs (yes, at one point we had two cribs in the same room), and a toddler hurling toys at a cribbed baby when I thought they were both napping. Most importantly, I've stopped myself from rescuing/interrupting a restless babe who actually is sleeping.
We've probably most enjoyed our monitor when using it to spy on little boys playing "in secret" in their room. All in all, I'm really lad we have this thing! The newer models of the same brand in the same price range don't seem as good to me, so I'll keep hoping this thing lasts us well into everyone's childhood years!
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