Yesterday I was cranky, the selfish, prideful, pity-party type of cranky. But there were a few silver linings throughout the day.
1. Beautiful weather. Like a perfect 68 degrees and sunny.
2. We got some of our crap out to the curb for cleanup week. Lookin' at you, rickey 42-year-old crib, destroyed bubble machine and broken toilet. More to go today!
3. Dos Equis was on sale at Cash Wise. I'm not always grateful, but when I am, it's because I'm drinking a bottle of Dos Equis. XX
4. I receiced a cute little handmade bookmark I ordered from Etsy in the mail.
5. We had a delicious grilled pork loin dinner. I love grilling season!
I'm sure there were more. I'm tired. I've no reason for crankiness today! Onward!
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