I'm falling behind because every waking, and some sleeping, moment(s) has been occupied getting our house ready to sell.
I do remember my gratitude moment, which occurred early Sunday morning on my way in to 8:00 am Mass. I was happily walking in, enjoying the beautiful weather and the prospect of Mass alone, and I was also smiling widely because I was wearing my beloved Pentecost dress!
I rarely take selfies, and if I do they are definitely not the kind where you see a phone front and center in a bathroom mirror. Those annoy me. If you catch me doing it for any reason other than to send you a picture of me in my bridesmaid dress from your wedding, feel free to call me out. At any rate, here's the dress just hanging in my closet. You can't see how beautiful it really is; you'll have to take my word.
I got this dress last fall when my sweet friend Ashley entered the convent. Even if you don't know much about religious sisters, you know they don't need this dress. Even though she's taller, and quite slender, by some gift of the spirit, it fit me. I just love it. This dress might be the sole motivation I have for staying this size.
You won't be shocked that I forgot to pack it when we were gone for actual Pentecost, so I wore it a week late. I have permission from Ashley B to wear it at any other appropriate time, but it's called the Pentecost Dress. She also wore it to Father Bryan's ordination, which was one year ago today. Yay FB!
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