The boys and I drove to my parents' again his weekend. I enjoyed the soothing sounds of James Taylor and the beautiful views of eastern North Dakota, a perfect combination in my humble opinion.
I got to thinking about how much I love North Dakota. I'm what you might call a Statriot (it's a thing, per Urban Dictionary). I'm the result of some Scandinavians and Germans settling here a few generations back, and grateful for it. My parents love their winter home in Missouri, but this is home. We bitch about the weather almost non-stop, but I like to think it keeps the riffraff out.
I love that ND is not densely populated. Whenever I think of moving somewhere with a more moderate climate, I realize I'd probably hate it because of all the people. Maybe not. But probably. People are (mostly) sensible and kind and hardworking here. I like to travel but I love coming home.
People who don't think ND is beautiful, or that driving across it is too boring, maybe just aren't looking at it like I do. I suppose because I'm from a farm family it's easier for me to see beauty in endless fields, but the colors and textures should be pleasing even to the city-dweller's eye. The flat fields of the east, rolling prairie of the center and badlands of the west each offer a different brand of beauty, but I love them all.
My mom decided to give me an early birthday gift when we arrived and it fit perfectly with my introspective drive across the state; it was the cute little North Dakota necklace pictured above! I've been eyeing it up for a while. I absolutely don't need another necklace but I just adore it!
Sidebar: I took a selfie wearing it but it was just disgusting. A lot of weird neck stuff going on. You can thank me for sparing you that.
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