I finally got half the kitchen in our new apartment looking decent! It's a big win, as we are still stepping over boxes in the hall and moving piles around the table at meals.
Despite the unpacking and organizing we have left to do, I feel pretty good about the place. It's a really nice 3-bedroom apartment and all the flooring, appliances and cabinet doors were replaced right before we move in.
Looking at bags and boxes can be discouraging. The other day I actually asked my husband if moving boxes from the dining table to the kitchen island and back would be a legit plan of action for the remainder of our lease. I understood his laughter as a "not really." And so we continue to muddle through all the stuff we've managed to accumulate in the last 11+ years.
All things considered, though, it's a nice apartment, the boys are generally happy, and we've gained three-ish hours a day of family time. I'll take that.
La Fiestaware can instantly make a place look like a home!