We were just discussing whether or not to enroll the big boys in the next session of swimming lessons, and I realized what a gift we have that we can even have that discussion. We have the money to pay for things like swimming lessons and can debate whether or not we want to. Most of the people I run with are in the same boat and we take for granted that, while we can't have everything we want, we certainly have more than we need. If I wasn't making a conscious effort to be thankful for the large and small gifts in my life, I would have completely missed this.
The last weekend in March I had the great pleasure of attending a real life blogging conference! Like a real blogger! Cathedral of St. Paul Jacqui , Anna and Susanna hosted the Catholic Women's Blogging Network Twin Cities get together at a stunning Summit Avenue mansion in St. Paul. Thirty-some wonderful Catholic women from the Twin Cities, the Midwest, and even Maryland joined up to talk blogging and really just to support each other and build each other up. My friend Monica encouraged me to go, and I signed up on a bit of a whim, figuring that if I paid for registration I'd be more inclined to go. If I didn't have a mutual friend link to one of the organizers, and if a couple of my most favoritest bloggers hadn't been speakers, I'd probably have chickened out. In response to my evident nerves on the way, my husband wisely mused, "Well, if you're going to walk into a group of people you don't know, this is probably the best group yo...
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